Computer Forensics and Data Analysis
Forensic Hardware & Software Resources

This page is a compilation of sites which contain useful sources of forensic software and other tools. No endorsement of any kind is made for any of the products found in these sites. If there is a link you think should be added, please let us know.

Alphabetical list of links to manufacturers, suppliers, and products

[Note: Lists by category/function follow this list.]

Maresware  Forensic software. This site.

010 Hex editor  A fast, professional hex editor designed to edit any binary file
ACARD  SCSI to IDE adapters. SCIS cards, and CD duplicators. Many SCSI items.
Access Data  Password recovery, and FTK (Forensic Toolkit).
Applog  Program to view application history in WIN9x. Search the page for source code of applog.
AcoDisk  CD Recovery. Recover CD data.
ArrowKey: CD Burner software.
Blazemap: Multimedia software.
Books  Source of investigative and forensic books.
Captain Nemo (access Linux and other file systems from Windows) and other disk data recovery tools.
Casemap: like a spreadsheet for organizing facts, people and issues, as well as documents and other tangible things.
Cables  Cables from Cables America.
Computer forensics dot net  provides services to law firms and corporations
CD-R-Diagnostics: CD Diagnostic software.
CompuPic  File viewer; graphics software.
Conversions Plus  Data conversion software from DataViz  software. Capable of reading MAC formats.
Coroners Tool Kit  TCT: a collection of after-the-fact Linux forensic tools.
Cygwin: A set of Unix utilities for Windows.
CPR  Utilities from Click on the Forensic link.
Data lifter, forensic and other software tools.
Data Recovery Group, recovers computer data.
DBXtract or this page for: DBextract and MBXtract, used to view Outlook Express (4 and 5) files.
Digital Detective Excellent computer forensic site.
Digital Guards  Intrusion detection tools.
Digital Intelligence  DriveSpy software, and F.R.E.D forensic hardware.
DiskJockey  File viewer.
Dr. Hardware: PC diagnostic and system information software.
Drive Duplicators  from Corporate Systems Center. Has high end equipment.
DIBS  Computer forensic equipment, training and services.
Evidor Evidence collection tool from the makers of WINHEX.
ExLife: enhances the MS Exchange Client, MS Windows Messaging and MS Outlook 97/98/2000
Filegrab  From Ziff Davis. Prints output of the Windows Explorer or Find command.
Forensic Computers: from
Forensic Computers: from
Foundstone: free tools. Some useful for forensics.
FTK  Forensic Tool Kit from Access Data.
Free  Free things(not law enforcement) on the Internet.
Graphic workshop: graphics manipulation and thumbnail software.
Hashkeeper: Hash data sets. The original and the converted NSRL and Hashkeeper sets from Mares and Company.
iLook  Computer forensic tool; available to law enforcement only.
Irfanview: IrfanView is a graphic viewer for Windoze. Click on the Forensic link.
Digital Guards  Intrusion detection tools.
Digital Intelligence  DriveSpy software, and F.R.E.D forensic hardware.
Drive Duplicators  High-end equipment from Corporate Systems Center.
dtSearch  Keyword indexer and search tool from DT Software
Emag conversion solutions for tape and other platforms.
Encase  Computer forensic software from Guidance Software.
Encryption  Encryption breaking software from Acess Data.
SMART  Linux Computer forensic software from ASR Data.
Extreme power tools: from Radsoft.
Evidor evidence collection tool from the makers of WINHEX. Appears to be be string search program on steroids.
Filegrab  from Ziff Davis, prints output of the Windows Explorer or Find command.
FLETC  FLETC's Financial Fraud Institute home page. Excellent training source.
Forensic Tools and other useful information from Tucofs.
FTK  Forensic Tool Kit from Access Data
iLook  Law enforcement only forensic tool
NIST  Computer Forensics Tools testing project. Plus theirNSRL software reference library.
ForensiX  from Fred Cohen and Associates. Linux, Forensic eXaminer, collects and analyzes digital evidence.
Free  stuff on the Internet. Not law enforcment, but lots of stuff.
Hex Workshop   Offers an excellent editor.
IMAGE MASTER  Hand held disk imager.
IMAGECAST  Disk copy/duplication software. (May not be bit-for-bit copy.)
Intelligent Computer Solutions The makers of the IMAGEMASTER hardware hard drive duplicator, and the Drive Lock hardware write blocker.
IP  IP lookups and domain information from The Virtual Librarian.
LC-TECH LCTechnology offers forensic software.
LogicCube  Hardware disk duplication.
Mailbag assistant: E-mail organizer.
Metadata assistant: Views Microsoft Meta Data in documents and other files.
MIME and other software from PC WOrld.
NeoWorx  Internet traceroute and other software.
TCTUTILS  Linux utilities made to supplement Coroners Tool Kit  TCT.
NCJRS  National Criminal Justice Reference Service: computer forensic page. Has document ordering link.
Norton Utilities  from Symantec.
NTI  New Technologies Inc.for computer forensic software and training.
Ontrack  Data recovery software. Has PDA forensic software and other internet and multimedia programs.
Powerquest  Source for Partition Magic, Drive Image, Drive Copy and others.
Quick View  File viewer from Inso.
Regdat: and other registry tools.
SnapBack  Imaging software.
Sydex  Source of Safeback.
Snagit  Screen Capture program.One of the oldest and best.
System Commander  Also Partition Commander; from V-Com.
SuprSCAB  Forensic software.
Sydex  Source of Safeback.
TCTUTILS  Linux utilities made to supplement Coroners Tool Kit  TCT
Textpipe: a text file manipulator.
Thumbs Plus  File viewer. hit the Forensic link.
U.S. Navy  NCIS Software tool site.
VEDIT  Excellent text/hex editor.  WetStone Technologies, Inc.- Digital Forensics Software and Training
WINHEX  An excellent hex editor.
Winternals  NT and WIN9X software and Sysinternals  NT and WIN9X software. More Linux stuff  from comparitech.


Alphabetical lists of links by category/function

Browse or click on links to go directly to the following lists below:


Disk manipulation, formatting, partitioning

ACARD  SCSI to IDE adapters. SCIS cards, and CD duplicators. Many SCSI items.
CPR  Utilities from Click on the Forensic link.
Digital Intelligence  DriveSpy software and F.R.E.D forensic hardware.
Encase Computer forensic software from Guidance Software.
Expert Witness Computer forensic software from ASR Data.
FTK  Forensic Tool Kit from Access Data.
iLook  Forensic tool available to law enforcement only.
Digital Detective  Excellent forensic site and date conversion utilities.
IMAGE MASTER  Hand held disk imager.
IMAGECAST  Disk copy/duplication software.
Maresware  Disk wiping, branding, and file removal software from Mares and Company.
Norton Utilities  From Symantec.
NTI  Variety of computer forensic software in this category.
Ontrack  Data recovery software in this category.
Powerquest  Source for Partition Magic, Drive Image, Drive Copy and others.
SnapBack  For imaging software.
Sydex  Source for Safeback.
System Commander  Also: Partition Commander from V-Com.
WINHEX  Excellent editor.

Data recovery specialists

AcoDisk  CD Recovery. Recover CD data.
Atlanta Computer Resources  Data recovery.
Computer Conversions  Data recovery experts.

Disk/text/hex editing

010 Hex editor  A fast, professional hex editor designed to edit any binary file
EditPro  Editor that only works in windows environment.
Hex Workshop   Excellent editor.
File  Maresware file and sector editors from Mares and Company, LLC.
VEDIT  Excellent text/hex editor.
WINHEX  Excellent editor.
NTFS Disk editor. Supports different views like Norton diskeditor.

General purpose software: a variety of uses

ASR Data  Andrew Rosen's page and home of "SMART" which runs under Linux and BEOS.
Access Data  For FTK(Forensic Toolkit).
Digital Intelligence  DriveSpy software and F.R.E.D forensic hardware.
Encase  Computer forensic software from Guidance Software.
Expert Witness  Computer forensic software from ASR Data.
FTK  Forensic Toolkit from Access Data.
Fred Cohen  and Associates: software and other products.
Maresware  Computer forensic and data analysis software. This site.
NTI  New Technologies Inc. Computer forensic software.
SysInternals  NT and WIN9X software.  WetStone Technologies, Inc.- Digital Forensics Software and Training

Graphic viewers and processing

CompuPic  File viewer; graphics software.
Conversions Plus  Data conversion software from DataViz  software. Capable of reading MAC formats.
DiskJockey  File viewer.
IrfanView  IrfanView is a free graphic viewer.
Quick View  File viewer from Inso.
Thumbs Plus  File viewer.
Thumber  Digital Image Processing Software.
U.S. Navy  NCIS Software tool site.

Hashing--CRC, SHA calculations

AccessData For SHA.exe.
Digital Intelligence For DriveSpy.
Mares and Company  For Hash, Crckit, Diskcat, Disk_crc and MD5.
NTI  For DiskSig, and CRCMD5.

Linux (*UX) tools

ForensiX  Also Linux Forensic eXaminer: collects and analyzes digital evidence. From Fred Cohen and Associates.
NeoWorx  Internet traceroute and other software.
SMART  Linux Computer forensic software from ASR Data.
Maresware  Cataloging, hashing and string searching programs. From Mares and Company.
LINUX-VPN Blog  A page which rates various Linux VPN products.

Windows 9X administrative tools

Applog  Program to view application history in WIN9x. Search the page for source code of applog.


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